Hinchinbrook Island
August 9-15, 2017
Click on the picture for details
Expedition was quite successful. 5301 QSOs have been uploaded to ClubLog, 5126 net QSOs (less dupes), 3696 different call signs. OQRS available.
Some inaccuracy can be found in Band/Continent table, but the picture as a whole is still OK.
We got back to Vancouver, BC on September 5. It will take a while to update the web-site, SPONSORS page will be done first.
Log is already uploaded to LoTW.
Printed QSLs are expected by mid-October, so all sponsors will be Number One priority for direct mail without additional QSL request.
August 18-28, 2017
Kayak Island IOTA NA-157
Be aware of pirates NL6/AA7CH! I've got a number of e-mails with the QSO data to confirm for the times I was off. Propagation is bad, especially to Europe where topography plays against us. I upload QSOs to ClubLog daily, please check it!
A lot of efforts made to reach EU - please click at the picture of off-shore antenna below. You can also e-mail me. I am here, on Kayak Island, in the middle of nowhere, to have as many stations in MY log as possible.
73, Mike NL6/AA7CH - VE7ACN - RW0CN August 23, 2017
In spite of poor propagation, heavy rains, storm winds blowing almost every day, so Spiderbeam antenna remained unpacked, topography playing against any direction but Asia and numerous evidences of Grizzly Bears around, 4296 QSOs have been uploaded to ClubLog, 4068 net QSOs (less dupes), 3059 different call signs. OQRS available. Mlt - the number of countries worked.
Due to bad weather we arrived to Kayak Island one day later and had to depart one day earlier.
Some inaccuracy can be found in Band/Continent table, but the picture as a whole is still OK.
Log should be uploaded to LoTW by mid-September or earlier.
Printed QSLs are expected by mid-October, so all sponsors will be Number One priority for direct mail without additional QSL request.
Click on the picture for details
Financial support of IOTApeditions is highly appreciated.