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Propagation predictions for AL3/AA7CH  NA-042, Hinchinbrook Island, Grid BP60sl

Below is propagation forecast for all 40 zones. Special thanks to Jari Perkiömäki, OH6BG/OG6G for VOACAP software. The forecast  is based on average Solar Spot Number, SpiderBeam antenna for 20 and 17 m and Verticals for 30-80 m on TX side.  3 el. Yagi @20 m and dipoles for 30-80 m were used for RX side modeling.


You can have your own propagation prediction entering your Grid Locator to the window on the right. The outcome will be a bunch of charts which might be somewhat difficult to read.  You should look at blue REL line, when it is above red dash-and-dot line, then you should tune on your radio and turn antenna to Alaska.  

Real propagation and, therefore,  possibility to make QSO  can be quite different from the pictures. Ionosphere in high latitudes is very dependant on aurora, so with solar index K=2 and above European paths can be very challenging. With K>4 there might be total blackout with no propagation on any band to any direction. However, strong Aurora might cause some openings on 10 and 12 m. 

Local noise level , antennas used and output power on receive side  will definitely affect on signal-to-noise ratio on both ends of the  QSO path. Red dash-and-dot line on the chart represents quiet conditions on RX side.

80 m

40 m

30 m

20 m

17 m

© 2017-2020   Михаил Заварухин  

© 2017-2020   Mikhail Zavarukhin   

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